The Transgender issue 2023 - Children, Young People and Women's Rights
Transgenderism: Bibliography | Issues | Peace Plan |
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17 May [insert year] |
- Preamble - inconvenient, but true
- I am a computer
- Sex, gender and all that jazz
- Natural and unnatural truths
- Definitions and re-definitions
- Gender diversity feelings
- Conversion, transition and affirmation
- The horror of puberty blockers
- Reincarnation
- Statistics
- The problem
withfor lesbians - Political party woes
- Georgie Stone
- The MTF / FTM process in Australia
- The Frankenstein factor
- A way forward
- Quotable quotes
- Lexicon
- No comment
- Videos 2019+
- Do you believe?
- GEN/DA - a science fiction
- Star Wars! goes trans
- Summary
- References
Warning: Perceptions of Transphobia ahead!
Why J.K. Rowling won't back down, YouTube, 16 October 2023, duration: 10.58 minutes.
Disclaimer: The aim of the following discursive text, which was substantially researched and written during April-May 2023, was to develop a socially responsible view which supported both transgenderism and de-transitioners, and an action plan, based on compassion not conflict, which would ultimately assist in bringing an end to the transgender war which, as of 2022, had become increasingly violent on the part of those seeking to silence debate on the issue. The author believes that censorship and silence is the enemy of a free, open and democratic society. In order to achieve a reasonable understanding of the transgender issue, this blog is a personal survey of the the contemporary environment, thereby enabling an opinion to be formed by the author, who knew precious little about transgenderism's origins and present-day complexities prior to April Fools Day 2023. The perspective herein presented is ultimately personal and critical of certain aspects of the very broad transgender agenda, whilst supportive of other elements, especially those focused on the elimination of discrimination. Core and so-called extreme elements of the issue are highlighted and discussed. Videos are inserted throughout to expand upon statements made and information presented. A list of references is also included at the end, along with links to related material, including a transgender / transsexual / transvestism bibliography. Information on Transgender Rights in Australia is also referenced. Separate blogs by the author are linked at the top and bottom of this article. Humour is also inserted, as in the Family Guy, South Park and Monty Python videos, where they succinctly address relevant issues and external perceptions of the transgender debate as it has played out since the mid' 2010s. As such, the article is more a compendium of various issues, and discussion therein.
De-trans Awareness Day panel discussion commenting on the Detransitioners For Affirmation Generation documentary, Los Angeles, 11 April 2023.
Gender dysphoria is a condition in which an individual experiences distress as a result of their inherent (birth) gender, or subsequently assigned gender.
"....only saying Yes to everything is not an act of love...."
Trying to change the sex of kids is probably the most insane thing humankind has ever done.
A woman was raped in a UK hospital women's (female-only) ward during 2021 by a transgender female with a penis (born male). When the police attended, they were officially informed by hospital staff that there was no male in the ward, therefore a rape could not have occurred. This was an official National Health Service imposed lie. There was, as a result, no investigation or prosecution instigated. That only occurred a year later when the rape was raised in the House of Lords by politician and elder stateswoman Baroness Nicholson. (Spectator 23 March 2022)
Baroness Nicholson, House of Lords, London, 17 March 2022.
1. Preamble - inconvenient, but true
Transgender rights over the last decade (circa 2013-2023) have expanded across a wide variety of social and political arenas in the West, such that supporters have become use to an explosion in the number of individuals, young and old, presenting as transgender and seeking transitioning treatments. Support in the academic, political, legal and corporate fields is now entrenched in law, policy, print, social media and action. Many within this primarily young cohort feel at ease in pursuing their gender diverse, non-conforming sex agenda. However, since 2013 a vicious battle has also been raging within the political Left, Centre and Right of Western society over the issue of transgender rights, such that commentators now refer to the 'extreme Left' or 'Right-wing Fascists' as the most active proponents of transgenderism, whilst elements of the 'conservative' Left and Right attempt to speak out in opposition to elements of the agenda and, most significantly, from a traditional moral and medical perspective of Do No Harm. It is a battle which is now extending into the wider community which is largely ignorant of its origins and generally does not care for the issue unless it directly impacts upon their lives and that of their family and friends. To the vast majority of the progressive community, and the public at large to some degree, the transgender issue is simply a matter of addressing discrimination against transgenderism, just as discrimination against homosexual (gay men and lesbians was dealt with in the past. For example, in 2013 the Australian Sex Discrimination Act 1984 was amended to introduce new protections from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status. In supporting this noble cause, some of the the unforeseen outcomes have far exceeded the social norms embedded within Western society and impacted negatively on sections of society, most notably women and children. The issue is now one of conflict across social, racial, sexual, age and socio-economic status lines.
The insane world of trans[insert desired self-identification type here], News Network, 1 June 2023.
Push back is also taking place, with impacts upon the traditional LGB (lesbian, gay and bisexual) community. This push back is most obviously seen with a small group within the Left - led by a cohort of senior women - where the fight is on to protect women's rights and the basic issue of female identity, in the face of transgender attacks on the very definition of woman and the female sex. This small group has expanded to include female activists across the political spectrum, whilst additional support is coming from diverse groups within the wider community, across political, social, ethnic and gender boundaries. The main opposition to this women's rights push back appears to be young women of the Left, extreme Left-leaning women of all ages, men seeking transition and their demand to be called women, elements of the transgender community, some within the gay community, and a general public which, on principle, supports anti-discrimination and LGBTIQA+ initiatives but is unaware of the complexities and implications of the specific transgender issue / agenda. More importantly, the women's rights push back group - which could perhaps be labelled the Posie Parker Movement (PPM) - is, with ever increasing support, also leading the fight against the medical mutilation and psychological abuse of a group of children and young people who have looked to the adoption of a transgender identity as a panacea to their feelings of isolation, hopelessness, gender ambiguity and the general malaise associated with growth, puberty and maturity in the current environment wherein social media is an unhealthy influence and leaving that same group feeling isolated and vulnerable. This is seen in the associated epidemic of what is currently referred to as gender dysphoria It has been designated a "social contagion" by some. On the other side, it has been addressed in an aggressive manner by supporters of the trans movement, unlike that seen in dealing with other dysphorias, such as those associated with limbs, eating (anorexia), body image, and medical conditions such as the use of anti-depressants.
The expanded platform of the push back agenda, from women's rights into de-transitioning support and highlighting fears of transgenderism masking pedophilia, has opened it up to increasing accusations of transphobia and resultant violent protests to close down open discussion and debate. Those bringing violence in its many forms to the debate come from across the political and social spectrum, and range from Left wing activists through to Right wing Nazis dressed in black and waving large signs referring to paedophiles and TERFs. Unfortunately many of these protestors are masked as they engage in physical and emotional violence in their opposition to open debate.
An issue such as transgenderism is perhaps forever beyond the realm of achieving a political solution, as it has deeply emotive individual and societal elements, not to mention spiritual and religious implications. As the battle continues, and the political turmoil rages, there are significant casualties on both sides of a personal and ideological nature, with no end in sight. Whilst transgender initiatives become even more deeply embedded in corporate, cultural, educational, legal, medical and political institutions and frameworks, efforts are now also being made to dismantle the whole initiative. This is not the ideal, and a compromise is needed. To date, the emotive human rights argument has usually overridden all other arguments in support of the transgender agenda, whilst in the background the profit imperative of the medical / pharmaceutical / industrial complex moves forever forward, silently supporting the agenda just as tobacco companies did for decades whilst fully aware of the negative health effects of their product. The horrific long-term effects on children of puberty blockers, for example, are only slowly being revealed, after more than a decade of their presentation as harmless and reversible.
In substantially taking the side of the push back group, whilst seeking to remain supportive of the transgender movement on humanitarian grounds, the present lifelong Lefty author of this discursive text seeks to include elements of the pro-trans claims and demands of those who have successfully implemented a transgender agenda since 2013 and fought aggressively for its continuing expansion. For example, in countries such as Australia efforts remain in place to enable those seeking to change their sex to have their original birth certificates altered to reflect this change. The state of Victoria has implemented this process since 2019, as have other Western countries. Many states in Australia allow for various degrees of alteration or addition to birth certificates in relation to change of sex, either with or without associated surgical procedures. Of course, such changes in law remain controversial and go to the very heart of the issue and its central, contentious claims against the innate nature of male and female as fact or a fiction.
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Logan Brown, In My Daddy's Belly - The Miracle of Male Birth, Bigger Picture Books, 2023. |
2. I am a computer
Imagine all females are an Apple desktop computer, and all males are the Microsoft Windows-based equivalent (NB: We could go Apple smart phone vs. Goggle-based Android, but will stick with desktops for the time being). Physically the Apple and Microsoft are different, in their construction, electronics, and often - but not always - appearance.
I am an Apple computer, but due to platform dysphoria I decide after a couple of years that I don't like the operating system and would rather be Windows-based. I initially try some clone apps, but finally have the Windows software installed, and it feels good. My Apple friend (who I will refer to as 'they') does likewise, but is not at ease with the result. "Perhaps I should get a Microsoft hard drive installed, or a new cabinet, or keyboard, or screen?" they say.
Not wanting in any way to criticise or comment on their thoughts, despite my concerns, and seeking to present an attitude of affirmation, I nod in agreement and encourage them to proceed down whatever path they feels they should follow. They eventually adapt to the Windows-based system and do not have any physical changes made to the computer. We both remain an Apple computer with a Windows application, and it works well for the time being. We are happy, though occasionally there are glitches which need expert attention or a reboot, due to the inherent problem of running a Microsoft application on an Apple computer.
A third friend goes down the same path, but eventually decides to have a new Microsoft hard drive installed. They now proclaim, "I am no longer an Apple computer - I am now a Microsoft computer!" I respond, "Well no, not really ..... You can say that, and you can believe that, but I do not have to do the same. I still, and will always, see you as an Apple computer, which is what I believe you are. But, I will now treat you in all respects as a Windows computer. At the end of the day, my private view does not really matter, as long as you are happy with who you are and I don't send any virus your way. :-)"
In response, my friend calls me an Microsoftphobe and cancels any future contact with me. I later speak to a Microsoft friend who shares a similar view to me and rejects my friend's claim. They also are labelled Microsoftphobe, despite being a Microsoft computer.
This analogy mirrors elements of the current transgender debate. It is perhaps helpful in seeking to understand a truly complex, emotive, and confusing subject, aspects of which are discussed below. Of course, the Apple vs. Microsoft analogy reflects the Male vs. Female debate at the centre of the turmoil over support for transgenderism and opposition to elements of its agenda, such as attacks on women's rights.
Noted Australian feminist Germaine Greer, commenting in 2015 (see video below), as ever bluntly cuts to the chase in a BBC interview, stating that "transgender women are not women" - a claim that is today greeted with howls of derision, and hatred, as evidence of a modern trans phobia, unlike earlier manifestations of gender-based or sex-based phobias.
Germaine Greer: Transgender women are not women, BBC Newsnight, 4 October 2015.
3. Sex, gender and all that jazz
She/Her (born female) to a transgender woman (born male): "What sex is your penis?"
Zie/hir transgender woman (born male) response: "Don't be a transphobe!"
Transphobia, or rather, the use of the term transphobia accusatively - i.e., its weaponisation - is rife in society as issues surrounding transgender rights are increasingly spoken about, heatedly debated, or shut down, and subject to policy, law and a wide variety of new societal norms. Mere critical discussion of the topic is increasingly cited as evidence of individual transphobia, thereby giving rise to the censoring of rational and reasonable debate, the sweeping under the carpet of issues of real societal concern, and punitive sanctioning of individuals. Whilst a lot of changes have taken place for the transgender community since the mid' 2010s in regards to affirmation policies, use of language, including pronouns, and access to chemical and medical interventions such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and reassignment surgery, the broader population has largely remained ignorant of these changes. For example, to many young people and those within the pro-trans community, the Pronoun Issue is core to their identity; to others it remains a complete mystery, some objecting to it as the thin edge of a wedge aimed at attacking language norms and inherent sexual status. There is also a general assumption that the transgender issue is only about human rights and is not in any way divisive. It therefore does not require their consideration. Of course, that assumption is far removed from the reality of the debate taking place across Western society. The present author, for example, was only made aware of the significance of the transgender debate early in April 2023.
Societal conflict over transgenderism has arisen since the mid 2010s due to a variety of factors, including:
- the impact of transgender female (born male) athletes in women's sport, evidencing an unfair and discriminatory physical and psychological advantage. The condoning of their inclusion by official sporting bodies, and by the male athletes themselves, is being met with increasing outrage and derision on the part of the general public, whilst supporters, both male and female, aggressively defend their inclusion.
- negative physical, psychological and broader societal outcomes of the transgender agenda for children, young people and others who are now able to transition chemically and medically at younger ages, and with fewer impediments due to mandatory affirmation policies on the part of decision making authorities and experts such as doctors, educators, mental health practitioners, politicians and bureaucrats;
- adoption of pronouns and rejection of the language norms imposed on society which seek to support the transgender movement. For example, that male and female sex, rather than being an immutable, physical fact, is merely a social construct and therefore subject to individual determination; and
- negative impact upon the traditional role and status of women due to the prioritization of nurture - i.e., environment and belief - over nature in defining gender and promoting gender non-conformity or gender diversity.
This critical reassessment of the transgender agenda and, in some cases, push back is being aggressively fought against by sections of the transgender community and their supporters and allies. Fortunately, after more than a decade of largely covert implementation of the agenda, the proverbial cat has now been let out of the bag and a broader section of society is making itself aware of the issue and its implications, both positive and negative. A cohort of detransitioners, telling their stories for the first time, is leading this push back. Critical analyses of what has driven the agenda are also appearing, such as in Jennifer Bilek's follow the money assessment included in the video below.
Jennifer Bilek: Who is behind the trans agenda?, Big Picture with James Patrick, 22 March 2023.
Of special concern is the fact that a significant cohort of young women are, for the first time historically and since the mid 2010s, sought gender reassignment through the use of hormone treatments and radical medical procedures such as breast removal and hysterectomies (Shrier 2020). Is appears that this is due to gender dysphoria as a social contagion. Young males are doing the same, ultimately seeking castration and creation of artificial vaginas, though not with an apparent equivalent increase in numbers. Both groups are often unconstrained in transitioning, as a result of medical, scientific and educational professionals implementing mandatory affirmation policies, with the support of government and legal authorities, and private corporations under the banner of DIE - diversity, inclusion and equity. Some of these changes are associated with the WOKE movement, though it is in many ways a separate issue, and not just the child of the Left as commonly asserted. The aforementioned authorities now often divert and disregard normal psychiatric and medical practices which seek to minimize harm and critically assess a presenting individual across a broad range of scientifically identified factors. In disregarding traditional methodologies and practices, they naturally enable the creation of harm. This harm is manifesting in an increasing number of young people seeking de-transitioning, often due to unforeseen and ongoing permanent medical and psychological complications and negative impacts, including unwanted sterilisation.
Mandatory affirmation has not traditionally been applied in the treatment of anorexia, for example, but it is in the area of gender dysphoria and transgender reassignment. This is taking place, and has taken place for almost a decade, in spite of evidence for the permanent psychological and physical damage caused to individuals, especially children and young people, in implementing chemical and medical gender transitioning prior to their reaching a point of personal maturity whereby they can provide informed consent. Females as young as 13 have been subject to breast removal, for example, and long term us of chemical such that by the time they are in their early twenties they are sterile and suffer bone density issues such as osteoporosis.
Rather than being a harmless cure-all, a view is now becoming more prominent that chemical and medical gender transformation should never be undertaken, at any age, due to the deleterious health effects on the body in both the short and long-term, and also evidence that such treatments do not address associated mental health or gender dysphoria issues. Tied to this is the problem of men aggressively claiming to be women, and the horrendous impacts of transgender women (males) in women's spaces. These are traumatic impacts which the male sex, transgender or not, fail to understand and have resulted in innocent women being raped by men presenting as transgender women in hospital, prisons and other women-only spaces.
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Lisa as Bart / Bart as Lisa - cross dressing play or trans / gender dysphoria? |
The issue of discrimination against people according to race, belief, or sex has long been universally condemned. It is given as the primary reason for implementation of the transgender agenda. Problems unfortunately arise due to the fluidity and controversy over language definitions. As a result, there is increasing political and social turmoil in Western societies as actions supporting the concept of gender diversity, and transgender reassignment, go beyond simply removing discriminatory practices, policies and beliefs, and into areas where many of those actions give rise to a new form of discrimination against groups in society who have traditionally been vulnerable and subject to discrimination, namely women and children (Joyce 2021). For example, a transgender claim of taking offense is not a good enough reason to change the definition of a woman to include a male who presents as a female. In seeking to appease one group, another group is discriminated against and no measures are taken to address this when the implications are made known. The latter is traditionally done, and has taken place over the millenia. However, it is not being done when it comes to the transgender issue and its impacts outside of the transgender community, due to the aggressive nature of the transgender defence.
A number of those who now raise their voices critically and compassionately in concern over what is occurring, or has occurred, in connection with the transgender agenda are vilified as transphobic and further condemned through accidental association with individuals and groups who approach the subject from a radical, often purely political, perspective. The so-called Posie Parker / neo-Nazi / Let Women Speak rally / confrontation in Melbourne on 18 March 2023 is a perfect example. The Let Women Speak rally, organised with the support of the Women's Forum Australia, took place on the steps of the Victorian Parliament House - a regular occurrence for such community protests and an important part of the open democracy that Australia claims to be. Also rallying that day, separately, were a group of Socialists and, further along the steps, an unidentified group of supposed Romper Stomper type neo-Nazis who, though not wearing Nazi insignia, nevertheless made use of the Nazi salute as they performed and protested on the steps and were later marched by the police past the women's rights rally. The unnamed and unidentified group proved to be members of the Victorian National Socialist (Nazi) Network. On this instance it consisted of approximately 16 young men - no women - dressed in black shoes and black socks, black shorts or black jeans, black t-shirts, black hoods, black face covering balaclavas and black caps.
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Photographs of 21 year old Nathan Bull, son of a Victorian police officer, at the Destroy Paedo Freaks rally (above), and (below) imitating Adolf Hitler at a Melbourne CBD soup kitchen organised by the Communist Party of Australia's Community Union Defence League. |
The Nathan Bull example points to a worrisome cultural and familial connection in this regard. One expects the police force to be unbiased. Such is, apparently, not the case, especially in Western countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States.
The Let Women Speak rally was not in any way connected with the National Socialist Movement disturbance. In fact, there is a natural antipathy between neo-Nazis and women's right advocates. Also, the British woman known as Posie Parker (real name Kelly-Jay Keen-Minshull), who was the guest speaker at the rally, is a traditional Leftist British Labour Party member / voter who has also declared she is not a feminist, though had been in the past. The subsequent associations made by the media and political groups such as the Liberal Party of Australian and Australian Greens between the Let Women Speak group and the neo-Nazis was a disgraceful manipulation of truth to inflame a debate which was Leftist in origin but now portrayed as an extreme Right-wing attack on transgender rights. The facts of the matter belay such an assertion. Neither was the Let Women Speak rally an anti-trans rally as the politicians, media and trans activists stated. It was purely pro-women, and asserting a cause which was, until recently, a traditional mainstay of the Left. It could be noted here that, over the last decade or two, Women's Studies courses at universities in the West have been replaced by Gender Studies courses, and feminism as a discipline has been largely pushed to one side, so that now many women who are traditional feminists are being called transphobic.
When a Let Women Speak rally was held a week after the Melbourne rally, on 25 March 2023 in Auckland, New Zealand, there was a violent riot and the organisers and speakers were attacked by a mob and physically assaulted. The subsequent cartoons in a major New Zealand newspaper sought to inflame the situation by misrepresenting Posie Parker as a 'Trojan Horse of the Far Right', rather than the disenchanted, though still Leftist women's rights activist she actually is.
Rod Emmerson, New Zealand Herald, 25 March 2023. |
As a result, a planned Wellington rally had to be cancelled, as did media events in Sydney, with Parker flying out of New Zealand under police protection. The trans activists and their mobbish, often male supporters, therefore were successful in halting a number of Let Women Speak events. They actually spent most of the time in attending the numerous Australian rallies shouting over women, thereby not in fact letting women speak. Following the departure of Parker from New Zealand, a number of politicians spoke in support of the transgender activists who proverbially, and violently, ran her out of town.
NZ MPs weigh in on free speech debate following Posie Parker protests, TVNZ, 27 March 2023.
Following the Melbourne rally, Victorian Greens activist Linda Gale published on a Greens-related discussion site a critique of the party's action in following the distorted media reporting and associating the Let Women Speak rally with the neo-Nazis, plus going further to cite it as an anti-trans rally (National Tribune 2022). Gale would ultimately pay a price for speaking out in this way.
The transgender issue is undoubtedly one which demands deeper, humane consideration - something it is not receiving at present. As it stands, the transgender debate in the Western world (e.g., in the Untied States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) is complex, divisive and often violent. It has been complicated by transgender activists, a seemingly blind acceptance of their arguments and demands by those in authority, and general ignorance in the community around the issue of transgenderism. It has been facilitated and supported by well-meaning individuals across the political and societal spectrum who, often unknowingly, take actions which, whilst humanitarian-based, have dire and often tragic outcomes.
Though the current transgender issue arose during the 2010s, its antecedents go back much earlier, as do the warning signs. The case of David Reimer (1965-2004) and the mother of the Reimer twins is a good example of this. It dates from the late 1960s and early 1970s. The lessons learned should have been heeded, rather than ignored (Gaetano 2019). The following video presents a sobering overview of what happened.
Why the boy who was raised a girl forgave his mother, The Oprah Winfrey Show, 2000.
The Reimers were the victims of New Zealander Dr. John Money, based at John Hopkins University in the United States. Money coined the term gender identity and promoted the idea that babies were born gender neutral, with male and female identities imposed upon them at birth and subsequently by external influences such as parents and environment. The present day derogatory term cisgender also promotes this view. Money's work led to the still current belief in the concept of gender fluidity, and its overriding of traditional belief in the natural biological sexes (not genders) of male and female. Money's work also sits at the centre of much of the current conflict and debate, despite the fact that his theories were debunked during his lifetime, not least of by the reality of the Reimer case, which he misrepresented as proof of the importance of nurture over nature. His findings were blatantly false, and his treatment, or rather mistreatment, of the Reimer twins led to their eventual suicide. He knowingly lied about their situation, in the most heartless manner, and he used and abused the two boys to serve his own agenda.
As a result of the work of Money and other academics and practitioners, the percentage of people in society who are now identifying as transgender is on the rise, especially amongst the young, with no clear reasons given for this phenomena, though fingers are naturally pointing towards social media and the recent increase in physical isolation due to attachment to electronic devices such as smart phones and tablets. Radical transgender reassignment treatments are now often encouraged and provided as a solution to increasing instances amongst the young of depression, suicide, and detachment from family and friends. But such treatments rarely provide any long-term solution to such malaise.
The number of those seeking permanent invasive gender reassignment through puberty blockers, cross sex hormone replacement therapy, such as in the use of testosterone and estrogen, and medical procedures including castration, mastectomies and hysterectomies, has been on the increase for almost a decade. Alongside this, public rallies calling for women's rights as a result of discriminatory practices arising out of transgender initiatives are popping up, often resulting in riots and police intervention. Participants from across a broad political spectrum have attended such rallies, inclusive of males, and that attendance is not always welcomed by the organisers, as was the case with the infamous Melbourne and Auckland Let Women Talk rallies. In recent times ethic and religious groups have joined the anti-transgender agenda rallies, including Muslim groups under the banner Leave our kids alone!
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Protesters face off in front of Saticoy Elementary School, Los Angeles Times, 4 June 2023. |
The world is in a state of flux over this issue, and how it will eventually play out is unclear. Due to threats of accusations of transphobia, public shaming, dismissal from employment and position, and mandatory affirmation policies, much of this societal transformation, or transition, is underground and beyond the gaze of the general public (Adams 2021). When the scope and implications are revealed to them, either first hand or from afar, they are often horrified and at a loss as to what action to take. Parents have stood by helpless as their children undertake radical gender transition treatments, often to subsequently regret actions which have resulted in infertility, genital mutilation and continuing psychological trauma. The trauma is usually shared with the people around the transitioners - the family and the friends, and also the workers in the industries supporting transitioning.
Whilst ever this is occurring, society needs to recognise that the path it has taken is the wrong one, being hastily adopted without sufficient consideration of likely outcomes beyond the most superficial. Transgender human rights can be supported, but not in this "Yes to everything" manner or through mandatory affirmation policies which disregard societal and individual safeguards. The fact is, individual informed consent to radical transgender transitioning treatments cannot be provided by children, or still maturing young people - they need to become adults, at least, and this does not occur until they are in their twenties. The discriminatory aspects and consequences of transgender and gender diversity support policies and programs need to be redressed in light of the increasing number of publically reported tragic outcomes and clear examples of discrimination against female groups such as lesbians and women in general.
Go, Strong Woman, Go, South Park, 16 November 2019.
Within this article, which is in a state of flux, the author is seeking to better understand the detail and scope of the transgender debate, its possible implications going forward, and clarify his own views based on past experiences, engagement with gender diversity inside and outside the workplace, and assessment of the information at hand through research and study of contemporary and emerging first hand accounts appearing on sites such as YouTube. Discussions with individuals aware of the issue will also be sought. There is no doubt that compassion needs to be shown to those facing transgender issues and transformations. The author believes himself not to be transphobic, but realizes that, according to some recent policies and statements in that area, his own actions in critically considering the issue, even if driven by a research imperative and humanitarian concerns, is probably worthy of condemnation or public shaming as a transphobe. Such is the state of the debate as of writing.
The discussion below therefore focuses on the main issues of concern: (1) the women's rights issue as it relates to transgender initiatives, and (2) the aspect of chemical and medical gender reassignment for children and young people, alongside the associated interventions by older parents, guardians and those deemed experts. Beyond that, the myriad of associated issues around gender identity will be left to others, and to another day. Support for the removal of discrimination arising out of transgender activism remains in place. A number of YouTube videos which critically discuss these issues, and support the concerns of the author, are interspersed throughout this discussion. Information which supports the present transgender and gender diversity initiatives is readily available elsewhere in print and online for those who consider this article and its author transphobic or biased. Law, policy and opinion is decidedly on the side of the transgender movement at present, as are many young people, who are able to express their views through social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit and Instagram, to name a few.
The Trans Debate: In Conversation with Helen Joyce, IAE Book Club, 19 April 2023.
4. Natural & unnatural truths
She/Her [born male] Transgender female: "In my head I'm a lesbian, because I like to have sex with women."
At the outset, what are needed, and what are missing, from the transgender debate are clear definitions in regard to what is actually being promoted and who it is being promoted to, because it is revealed from the debate to date that confusion and conflation of basic information - fact and belief - is common, leading to the various parties moving further distant apart in holding their positions. A good example is the ambiguity surrounding the definition of a child / young person. The following definition is used within this discussion:
child, n., a young human being below the age of puberty, or below the age of adulthood, with puberty being the period during which adolescent boys or girls reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
As can be seen, there are no specific ages attached to this definition, though most analyses speak of adulthood being associated with the initial endpoint of brain development which usually occurs around the age of 25. Unfortunately the legal age is often 18. Therefore, within this discussion the conflated term children / young people is used to refer to the period before maturity / adulthood / circa 25 years of age, at which point it can be assumed that individual informed consent can be given in regard to issues such as chemical and medical transgender transitioning. A child is usually a young person prior to puberty, which can occur from around the age of ten. A teenager is usually aged 13-18. Despite these variations in definitions, most people understand what is meant by reference to a child or young person.
Humans have existed as a species (Hominids) for at least two million years, without significant evolutionary change affecting gender, though other physiological elements have evolved, such as those parts of the body related to speech. In seeking to understand the realities involved in the transgender debate, as against nebulous beliefs, perceptions, opinions and ideology, we can start with the three basic elements of our rational and science-based understanding of who we are as individual members of the human species:
1. in utero / SEX - the natural state wherein male sperm and a female egg (ovum), located in separate bodies, are brought together, usually through the sex act and conception, to form in utero an embryo / fetus. This then grows in the uterus until the point of birth. The word sex also refers to the resultant species type, as the SEX of the embryo / fetus will be either MALE or FEMALE. Males are identified by their XY chromosomes, and females by their XX chromosomes, though there is also a very small percentage of variation in this. The male : female division is a natural, normal process. In some instance abnormalities occur at this chromosomes level such as with Intersex individuals, though these will not be discussed here. It can also be the case that male hormones such as testosterone can impact upon a female in utero, and vice versa whereby estrogen can impact upon a male in utero. Nevertheless, the fact of male and female differentiation at this point in utero is clearly acknowledged and accepted by society and by science. Confusion only arises in the present day due to the fluidity of language which has taken place as an element of the transgender agenda. For example, the word Sex refers to (1) an act, as in having sex, or (2) to the type of individual human, as in a member of the male sex or the female sex. The word Gender traditionally overlaps with this second definition, as a sex type, in, for example, a person of the female gender or male gender. However, gender is now also claimed to be an artificial social construct, and not a physical reality. This non-physical, consciousness level aspect of gender is discussed below and lies at the centre of much of the present heated debate around transgender language and assertions of priority therein.
2. Birth - this is a natural process, arising out of the in utero / sex determination process described above. It is a real, physical, scientifically supported process not subject to debate or conjecture. It is not a social construct. Upon the point of birth a child is male or female, termed in English a boy or girl. Following this point, the child will have, and develop, a unique personality or nature, which may or may not be gender conforming, though the default is gender (male or female) conforming. It always was, and always will be, outside of artificial and unnatural alteration. Development of gender identity will occur over time, but most especially and importantly during the first two decades of life prior to attaining adulthood, when it will be affected by physiological processes such as puberty and the environment in which growth occurs. Gender is primarily nature (physical), not nurture (environmental, psychological). There will be learning, growth and maturing as a child and young person. Most important of all, this will be a natural and normal process. During this period the sex or gender of the child remains the same, however the so-called gender identity can change, based on perception, which is in turn based on external and internal, conscious, factors. For example, a boy may be effeminate and play with Barbie dolls, and a girl may be a so-called Tom Boy and like playing with guns. This may or may not result in gender diversity such as living as a gay man or lesbian woman, or transgenderism.
Such diversity between the male and the female is natural in children and young people and can evolve over time. It must be allowed to do so naturally, as in the past, with parental and other guidance, but not be subject to radical, often permanent interventions which can give rise to horrific outcomes, as is currently occurring with transgender reassignment. Gender identity should not be artificially altered in any permanent manner as the child or young person is neither old enough or mature enough to grant informed consent. Such maturity does not usually appear until the onset of adulthood. An increasing body of first-hand evidence from young detransitioners points to this fact.
3. Externals - unnatural factors. These are factors which can lead to permanent damage of a physical, psychological or spiritual nature,especially in regard to children / young people. If, for example, young Johnny likes girl things and Mary is a Tom Boy, that does not automatically warrant the introduction of unnatural, external elements into their life leading to the early, artificial and often enforced onset of chemical, medical and psychological gender transformation. Of the first factor, hormone treatments to stop puberty, and radical surgery to change gender, should not be allowed, taken or performed, pending the eventual informed consent of the individual upon attainment of adulthood. It has been shown that parents and third parties such as doctors, psychologists / psychiatrists and family and friends should not be empowered to make decisions in this regard for children and young people, nor should the child or young person be permitted to make such decisions of their own volition, though they will ultimately be required to do so upon maturity. The dangers of drugs and radical surgery, which can have permanent physical and psychological effects, such as infertility and illness, cannot be overemphasized. There is an increasing imperative to support the natural development of children and young people until they are old enough and mature enough to make their own informed choices about their gender identity. This argument is not a transphobic one; it is a humane and compassionate one.
Abigail Shrier, Science, the Transgender Phenomena, and the Young, Hillside College, 12 May 2021. Highlights the widespread nature, and negative impacts upon children and young people.
5. Definitions and redefinitions
Definitions are traditionally based on sex, not on gender. For example, homosexuality is traditionally defined as male same-sex attraction, as in men who are sexually attracted to other men, and not to females. In the transgender era this definition has been extended to include the non-sexual "romantically attracted" term. Likewise, lesbianism is traditionally defined as female same-sex attraction, as in women who are sexually to other women, and not to males. In a similar manner, the "romantically attracted" text has also been added.
During 2023 the UK LGBTIA+ organisaton Stonewall - which was founded on support for traditional gay rights - redefined the definition of homosexual as follows:
Someone who has a romantic and/or sexual orientation towards someone of the same gender.
Herein sex is replaced by gender as core to the definition. In regard to the precise wording, note that romantic now takes precedence over sexual, and attraction is replaced, and watered down, by the word orientation, which implies fluidity. The manipulation of the language here is clear - it reflects the transgender agenda. It does not reflect use and understanding and acceptance within the wider LGB community and, as such is simply word salad which, at the end of the day, will not carry any weight.
Sex is, in fact and as outlined above, a precise, scientific term, as in the male sex or the female sex, whereas gender is a fluid term with no precise scientific definition or basis. Stonewall has also somewhat strangely deemed homosexual a medical term, replaced by the more general term gay. This redefinition means that, for example, a homosexual man could now be attracted, or orientated, to an individual whose gender is male but was born female, as in a transgender male. That is the primary role of the new definition. It is what the transgender agenda desires, but it is both unreasonable and unrealistic. You cannot force a homosexual man to have sex with a woman, or a lesbian woman to have sex with a man. To merely make such a statement is to be labelled transphobic, though it is a statement of fact, denied by transgender activists.
This re-definition was put in play without consent from the general or homosexual community. The same applies to the Stonewall definition of lesbians. The introduction of the word "romantic" into the definition is a subversion of the scientific and natural reality of the traditional sex-based definition of homosexual, as the term "romantic" refers to a feeling, an emotion, rather than a physical reality. Lesbian is now defined as follows by Stonewall:
Refers to a woman who has a romantic and/or sexual orientation towards women.
There is no reference therein to same-sex attraction. Also, the term 'woman' is inclusive therein of trans women, as in a person born male who identifies as a woman. As a result, we have a number of trans women currently identifying as lesbian (refer the case of Abigail Thorn below). The fact is that such a trans woman may have a penis, facial hair, etc., and have some or all of the physical traits of a male. As such, they would naturally be rejected by a lesbian. Also, a trans woman cannot, in reality, be a lesbian, because they are not a woman.
The Lexicon section below contains an array of definitions relating to the transgender issue, many of which, such as cis, are modern and unrealistic or, indeed, deemed offensive.
6. Gender Diversity feelings
He/him [born female] : "I have to go home everyday and be called my dead name ... it is so hurtful."
Gender diversity refers to the gender identities (not the gender realities) present in the population, i.e., male, female, and others. It is the elephant in the room in the transgender debate. It does not relate to the three factors and circumstances of human types of being outlined above, with a focus on the inherent natural aspect of such being. It is very much a separate thing, an identity, as it is a feeling, an intuition, or an emotion. As such it may be transitory, not fixed. It is not a part of the physical birth process. A male or female body is the physical foundation upon which, or in which, a gender diverse persona evolves and takes expression. This is where gender diversity lies, as a secondary layer imposed following birth. Of course, a female fetus, subject to testosterone in utero, may be born with a male nature, which leads in later life to lesbianism or transgenderism; similarly, a male fetus, subject to estrogen in utero, may be born with a female nature, leading to homosexuality, transvestism or transgenderism. This is nothing new. The recent treatment on an international scale, however, is new.
According to Helen Joyce (2021), the term gender identity is outside of objective, natural and unnatural realities and definitions, as it is experienced inside one's self. It also lies at the core of the current societal upheaval, as the physical and the feeling are conflated as one. For example, for a individual born a man to state "I am a women" does not thereby physically make it so. This may seem obvious, but it does arise regularly in discussions around transgender. It also, quite naturally, causes offense to those aligned with the Feminist movement which arose during the 1960s and spread through books such as Germaine Greer's The Female Eunich (1968) and the Helen Reddy song I Am Woman (1971), both Australian women. What heightened the conflict is the transgender argument which denied the priority of the natural female sex, now replaced by an aspect of gender fluidity. Rather then recognise its primary status, as discussed above, it is made subservient to the belief in gender diversity. Of course this latter concept is not part of the physical reality of conception and birth, but comes later, during the formation of the individual as they grow and mature.
To some people Sex (i.e. whether male or female, not the intimate act) does not matter, but gender diversity does matter. That is, the scientific reality is ignored in preference to prioritization of an opinion, or feeling, which is likewise psychologically real but not based on a physical reality. A human is made up of a body and soul; a physical reality and a non-physical, corporeal or spiritual reality, inner essence or consciousness. Transgenderism can be said to be primarily related to the consciousness in that it is a belief or feeling that the gender of the person does not feel right, for whatever reason, and that a male wants to be a female, or vice versa. The physical reality is not making the request, though it does of course influence that request; the consciousness of the individual is making that request for transition and to be non sex-conforming.
This is appropriate if it is recognised as such, but when gender diversity - i.e., a conscious personal belief - takes over Sex and physical realities (innate) in the development of policy frame works, laws, language and new social norms and behaviours, therein problems arise. Why? Because people outside of the transgender and gender diversity sphere do not always want to be bound in their own lives by the opinion or feeling or personal belief of another. They accept being bound by a harsh physical reality (e.g., the weather), a scientific fact (e.g., born male or female), a natural occurrence (e.g., physical illness) or their own individual feeling (e.g., happy, sad, LGBTIA+). Beyond that, they desire the freedom of self expression and a limit on social obligation and constraint. As such, people will continue to accept, reject or rebel against concepts such as gender diversity and the obligations thrust upon them as a result. They will obey and follow its decrees of their own volition, and if they so desire. But it is not a given that they will naturally toe the line. This is the reason why so many women have come out in support of women's rights in the face of the discrimination created through support for the transgender movement - a seemingly flawed support which resulted from jumping on the transgender bandwagon without due consideration of the wider societal implications - implications which negatively impact upon the transgender community as well as upon women and children / young people.
The current public debate is divisive and confusing. As a result, many steer clear from it and leave it up to the academic fraternity, politicians, or those with a vested interest. On one hand we have the Judith Butler's of the world who, in 1990, declared: Sex is a social construct (Butler 1990). This reflects the misconception that gender is nurture, not nature. It was scientifically proved (supposedly) and proclaimed during the 1960s through the Reimer twins experiment, and acted upon by the medical profession and society through policy, procedure and interventions. It was then revealed during the 1980s to be a complete scientific fraud, a fact brought home by the testimony of the twins and their subsequent suicide due to their mistreatment during childhood as guinea pigs in a scientific experiment by Dr. Money and his colleagues. This preference for nurture over nature continues to the present day and lies as the core of the transgender issue. Nature must be recognised as separate and distinct. It is, in fact, a simple concept, compared to the complexities of nurture which is multifaceted and subject to arbitrary change over time.
The increasing use in the transgender debate of the terms cis woman or non-trans women in preference to the normal women is also of concern, as this change in language points to an attempt to shift the importance and status of women and the natural female sex to a mere subset of the trans type, with trans women as the prime descriptor of the female sex, when in fact the latter actually describes a man. It should be the other way around, as trans is very much a subset of the normal definitions for female and male, which cover the vast majority of the population.
Trans Clinic Whistleblower - Jamie Reed, Triggernometry, 17 April 2023.
7. Conversion, transition and Affirmation
Coming to terms with the 2023 language around the gender / transgender agenda is often a long, slow process for those of a different generation to what has been termed the New Elite - that group of young people who are driving the agenda and see it as a natural progression and implementation of their hopes and dreams and educational / indoctrination background. One of those words with a new, and decidedly dark meaning is conversion, where it refers to efforts by religious and secular groups and individuals to 'convert' gay people into being straight, and those with gender dysphoria into being, or remaining, male or female (i.e. binary). Of course, such practices in regards to the gay community are not new. Elements of Christianity have long seen same-sex attraction as an abomination, rather than as a natural state of being and God-given. Numerous quotes from the Bible are presented to support such a view to support conversion. In the name of conversion various horrendous techniques have been applied over the years, both psychological and physical, including electric shock treatment, imprisonment, brain washing and even castration for man and rape of women. Such treatments are now condemed, and rightfully so. However, it appears that when it comes to transgenderism the term conversion has been applied to any non-affirmation practice, resulting in confusion. For example, in the Australian Greens policy on Sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex rights, the following is noted in the preamble:
The outrage from some people in our community generated by the recent passing of legislation banning conversion therapy highlighted [the fact] that there are still people who want to deny same sex attracted and gender diverse people the right to express themselves as they wish.
Upon first reading, especially for those not conversant in the transgender agenda, the question would naturally arise as to why any person or group would object to legislation banning the abhorrent conversion therapy practices of the past? The problem lies with the conflation of the two disparate groups, i.e. 'same sex attracted' and 'gender diverse people' in the policy statement. The two, as has been revealed in recent times, are very different, and it is totally inappropriate to associate the current transgender philosophy / ideology and policy implementation Affirmation process with same-sex attraction conversion therapies. It is possible, and likely, that there was confusion in the community in regard to the aim of the legislation. Whatever the case, the introduction of new terms such as "gender diverse people" would not easily resonate with the community at large. An education program would be called for. Unfortunately much of the recent introduction of transgender-related legislation and policy has been introduced without such program, and without the opportunity to identify blockages and possible negative outcomes.
Until recent times gender dysphoria was classified a mental illness by the medical / psychotherapy professions, and treated as such. This has now been abandoned, in preference to non-invasive or questioning Affirmation, at any age and across all areas of society, from family and parents through to psychiatrists, psychologists and the medical profession. It is known that in most instances this dysphoria in children and young people passes with time, and that the majority maintain their natural binary (male or female) status, a large number as homosexual or lesbian, and a small percentage dealing with it through cross-dressing or traditional transvestism. The chemical and medical gender transitioning path of the last decade is very much new and experimental, and driven in part by the aforementioned Affirmation policy. The resultant 'outrage' over any sex or gender questioning associated with true gender dysphoria or the lesser social contagion aspect of the times, is therefore largely ignored as transphobia, in both policy as above, and in reality.
In relation to the aforementioned Australian Greens policy statement, its specific elements arose in reaction to the Australian Capital Territory's introduction of a Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill in August 2020. The following article from the Canberra Times of 26 August, ACT's conversion therapy ban puts practitioners at risk highlighted the confusion over the issue and the problems arising from default Affirmation policies which exclude traditional mental health assessment pathways:
The Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill, introduced into the ACT Assembly a couple of weeks ago, has become embroiled in controversy. It arises out of lobbying by members of the LGBT community to ban "conversion therapy", in the context of past practices seeking to change people's sexual orientation. However, the main controversy about the bill concerns its prohibition of what it describes as "gender identity conversion practices".
[NB: It could be asked, what precisely are "gender identity conversion practices? Is it a parent rejecting a request by a child to commence the use of puberty blockers and cross-gender hormone treatment? Yes. Is it a psychiatrist rejection, or failing to affirm, a self-diagnosis by a young person of gender dysphoria? Yes. The journalist goes on to highlight the inherent failings of the proposed Act due to language and vague definition issues. Of course, such issues are par for the course with regard to the implementation of the transgender agenda.]
Penalties for engaging in a "conversion practice" are severe. Practitioners are liable to 12 months' imprisonment; but so too are parents who take their children out of the ACT for the purpose of such a conversion practice being performed on a child. The ACT government has good intentions, but the criminal law should be absolutely clear. People have a right to know what conduct breaches the law so that they can avoid committing an offence. Herein lies the problem. The definition of a "conversion practice" is extraordinarily vague. It is "a treatment or other practice the purpose, or purported purpose, of which is to change a person's sexuality or gender identity". No examples are given, such as aversion therapy, which decades ago was seen by some as an appropriate means of correcting an unwanted same-sex orientation. The bill is scarcely about gay conversion therapy at all.
The bill at least explains what conversion therapy is not. It is lawful to assist a person undergoing a gender transition or considering doing so, or to express their gender identity. All the examples the bill gives of what is not a "conversion practice" concern approaches that affirm a person's gender identity and assist them to transition. There is also an explanation that a practice by a health service provider will not be a prohibited practice if, in the provider's reasonable professional judgment, it is necessary to "provide a health service in a manner that is safe and appropriate" or to "comply with the provider's legal or professional obligations". If expert practitioners have no idea what forms of therapy the ACT Assembly wants to criminalise, how can parents know?
Nonetheless, the anxious reader, seeking to know what practices could land him or her in jail for 12 months, is not much the wiser. Which "gender identity conversion practices" are harmful, and why? This is a particular problem for general practitioners, psychologists and psychiatrists, for while transitioning may be the best course for some people who experience long-standing gender dysphoria, one of the outcomes of successful therapy for children and young people who begin counselling with a firmly held belief that they were born in the wrong body may be that they come to accept their natal sex, and no longer identify as transgender.
This is well-recognised by leading experts in the field. According to Jiska Ristori and Thomas Steensma in a 2016 International Review of Psychiatry article, 85 per cent of children seen at gender clinics in the recent past resolved their gender identity issues by the time of puberty if a cautious therapeutic approach was taken. Typically, they grew into young adults with a same-sex orientation. The leading body of gender clinicians, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, makes it clear in its 2012 Standards of Care that therapeutic support to help a person become comfortable in their natal sex is an essential part of good healthcare management. As the association notes: "Often with the help of psychotherapy, some individuals integrate their trans- or cross-gender feelings into the gender role they were assigned at birth and do not feel the need to feminize or masculinize their body."
This sounds very much like the "conversion practices" the ACT government says are "harmful" and wants to prohibit. The Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service in London, which typically adopts the gender identity affirmation approach this bill favours, reported recently on 12 cases of adolescents seen at the clinic who initially sought medical transition. All met the criteria for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, but did not proceed to cross-hormone treatment because counselling helped them to reach a different understanding of their distress.
The Act was eventually passed in 2023.
Jordan B. Peterson, Tolerance - excerpt from an interview, 6 July 2022, duration: 0.30 minutes.
8. The horror of puberty blockers et al.
Chemical and medical transitioning, through the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and extreme surgical interventions (e.g. castration, mastectomy, hysterectomy) has been presented to many people young and old in recent decades as reversible and relatively harmless. However, recent revelations, especially by detransitioners, have shown that such treatments are anything but. The truth is that in a large number of cases, if not the majority, such treatments are physically harmful and create permanent, irreversible physical and psychology changes to the body and mind. The following presentation supports these assertions.
What we should know about puberty blockers, 23 January 2023, Peak Trans, duration: 26.46 minutes.
9. Reincarnation & being born Trans
Among children who report memories of a previous life, gender nonconformity (GNC) is strongly associated with a purported life as a member of a different sex. This association may offer insights into contributors to gender nonconformity in children who do not express such memories. In clinical settings, when past-life memories are present in conjunction with GNC, it may be beneficial to address this connection in focused psychotherapy. It is possible that currently unidentified hormonal or neurochemical factors could predispose affected children to both phenomena, or as Stevenson and Keil (2005) suggested, perhaps a previously unrecognized factor of consciousness may be involved. (Pehlivanova et al. 2018)
Why does a child, born male, sometimes say with conviction at an early age: "But, I am a girl", or, if born female: "But, I am a boy"? This is a question almost invariably thought, and possibly raised, by all those who encounter such kids, and the kids themselves. There is usually no rational answer given, by the child or anyone else, only just the somewhat vague It's a feeling.... Clinicians will respond with attribution to gender dysphoria, but that is a label for a condition, not an explanation of origin or reality. One science-based, or at least experience-based, tangible answer, which may or may not be considered rational by all sections of society, especially those with firmly held Catholic beliefs, is the relationship between gender nonconformity (GNC) and a past life or lives. This relationship with reincarnation is identified in a 2018 research paper published in the International Journal of Sexual Health by a group from the Division of Perceptual Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine. Entitled Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Children's Past-Life Memories, the paper's conclusion is reproduced in the quote at the head of this section. It was offhandedly rejected at the time and remains outside of mainstream discussions concerning transgenderism, though research continues in the academic realm (Booth & Spencer 2021). Numerous videos on YouTube address the topic of the connection between reincarnation and transgenderism, and from a variety of viewpoints, including Hinduism, but their hit counts are very low.
Reincarnation's role in determining sexual preferences, Daily Hinduism, 8 January 2020.
This highlights the common conflation between sex (i.e., born male or female) and gender (a belief system) as seen within the LGBTIQA+ spectrum, and which is further complicated by the imposition of religious beliefs and other ideologies. For example, a recent video by an Australia Christian YouTuber raised this issue in a video entitled I'm Born This Way! Are People Born GAY or TRANS? The Gay Gene DEBUNKED! In considering the posting, the present author reached some clarity in how the issue of the origin of transgenderism in an individual is explained, or rather, not explained. The following is a breakdown of one possible explanation, which integrates a radial Christian perspective, though not the conservative perspective of the YouTuber.
1. The fact is, the physical body, at the time of birth, is either male or female, excluding those rare instances of Intersex. This binary nature is a reality, and backed up by science. It is inherent and has been in place for millions of year, in association with the evolution of the hominid species. We all exist in a male or female body, and will remain so until the point of death. This fact cannot be altered by the use of drugs or surgical procedures. These can make individuals feel closer to the opposite sex, but they cannot actually make it so.
2. God created the world as it is, including all living and non-living things. This is a core belief by Christians and, in numerous variants, by all those other religious beliefs which exist in the world and are accepted by everyone except atheists.
3. Human beings have a soul / consciousness / spirit / essence / energy (referred to by the author as Life) which is corporeal and not physical. It nevertheless exists and manifests from the moment of birth. It can be referred to as part of the nature of an individual - a combination of the real physical and the present non-physical.
4. The gender we express from the moment of birth, and throughout our lives, can be innate and unwavering, or vary and evolve. It is a feeling, and not a physical reality, unlike our Sex at birth and throughout our life.
5. The innate version of gender is not in any way derived from environmental factors, whether it be male, female or LGBTIQA+. It is not even thought into being, or questioned, by the individual. It is simply the accepted reality on their part. We can therefore be born male, female, gay, trans, alpha, whatever. This is separate from our natural, physical sex. It is part of the process of life.
6. The non-innate version of gender can derive from the physical and emotional environment. As God has given us a free will, this gender fluidity can be a result of that. This fluidity is evident in the existence of the recent social contagion element of the explosion in young people expressing a transgender identity. This is different from the innate version, which does not necessarily conform with one's sex.
7. Ultimately, the origin of this non-physical nature is God, through birth or rebirth / reincarnation, as noted above. It is as such therefore natural.The fact that there is a significant section of the population that has always been attracted to the same sex (e.g., homosexual or lesbian) is indicative of the natural, God-given nature of this element of individual reality. Same-sex attraction is not gender non-conformity.
8. LGBTIQA+ people are real. A large contingent is innately that way. They are a creation of God. Others, expressing their free will, adopt a non-conforming gender outside of it being innate. Distinguishing between the two group is not a simple or easy or definitive matter. We should forget the statements in the Bible that homosexuality is not natural, and some sort of abomination. It can be, just as any sort of behaviour by an individual can be, of any sex. The Bible is presented as the infallible word of God. However, it was in many instances written by individual humans, not by God, and is not infallible. It contains many truly awful things, alongside many profound things, which are more likely the so0called infallible elements, especially for Christians. The message of Jesus, the preacher and prophet, like so many others before or since, was substantially the infallible, eternal message of peace and love and acceptance and compassion. It was, and remains, evidence of a higher plane of truth, of reality. God gave humans free will in order to seek and achieve that higher plane of being.
10. Statistics
How big is the transgender problem? Unfortunately statistics are rare and not comprehensive or longitudinal across time. The Statista site includes international data on LGBTIQA+ groups, including the fact that as of 2022, 19% (approximately 1 in 5) of Generation Z (born between 1996-2010) in the United States identify as transgender. This is a huge, unprecedented number.
Let us, for example, take an imaginary sample population of 1,000 female babies and 1,000 male babies (total = 2,000) in order to understand the scope of the transgender issue. Based on the aforementioned statistics, only 12 of these babies (6%) will go on to identify as transgender. But let's look a bit more broadly at the issue. Of the 1,000 males, let us say approximately 50 encounter gender diversity issues following birth. Of these, approximately 40 (80%) will, according to prior studies, be attracted to the opposite sex and go down the gay / homosexual path, not identifying as transgender. These 40 may have effeminate or masculine traits, and anything in between. Of the remaining 10 (20%), let us say that 3 do not act on their gender dysphoria, and the remaining 5 do. Let us assume half (2-3) of the latter group may have a transgender sexual fetish which manifests in seeking to dress as women and/or participate in grooming for sexual gratification, though is still attracted to female. Of the remaining 2-3, let us say that they have a genuine transgender dysphoria in which, almost from the point of birth, they have felt as though they are females in a male body, though they are not attracted to their same biological sex. Of this group, perhaps half (1-2) will seek to transition with the use of chemical and medical interventions, whilst the other half (1-2) may seek to not take up such a path. Of the 1-2 who seek to transition, perhaps half (c.1) will apply chemical methods such as the use of puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones, whilst the other half (c.1) will proceed down the path of medical gender transformation surgery.
Of the 1,000 females, let us say that a similar percentage to the males follows the lesbian path and the path towards identification as transgender. Of the 10 not exhibiting a same sex attraction, let us say that 2-3 may have a transgender sexual fetish which manifests in seeking to dress as men and/or participate in grooming members of the opposite sex for sexual gratification. Of the remaining 7-8, let us say that they have a genuine transgender dysphoria in which, almost from the point of birth, they have felt as though they are males in a female body. Of this group, perhaps half (3-4) will seek to transition with the use of chemical and medical interventions, whilst the other half (3-4) may seek to not take up such a path but will still seek to present as male.
The above hypothetical scenarios, based on the William Institute study, reveal the smallish scope of the transgender issue as it exists in reality. Of course, the unprecedented recent rise in gender dysphoria amongst youths, especially females, as part of a social contagion has skewed the gender statistics and taken some individuals away from the gay / lesbian sector into the transgender realm, even if only temporarily. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the small scope of the transgender issue does not equate to the impact it has on wider society, and especially on the 51.5% of the population born female. It can therefore be suggested that the transgender agenda has overstepped the mark in its demands and that those demands could have been accommodated
without the undue negative impacts upon the broader society. A reset is warranted.
LGBT activists erasing gays and lesbians, Brad Polumbo, 2 May 2023.
11. The problem with for lesbians
Q: "What do you call a lesbian who won't suck dick?"
A: "Transphobic."
Lesbian: a non-man attracted to non-men (John Hopkins University, Baltimore, & Westmount College, California, June 2023).
Another group dragged into the transgender agenda quagmire and facing new forms of discrimination, such as regressive misogyny, are lesbians. Recently the lesbian dating app HER expanded the platform to the LGBTQ sector and allowed transgender women [born men] to use the app. The fact that the app was initially set up to cater to females attracted to other females seems to have been disregarded. When lesbians using the app began to state clearly on their profile that they were only interested in dating other women (i.e., born female), they subsequently received a message from the app administrator that their account was suspended due to their being transphobic. The following is a sample of one such message:
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HER administrator message to Jen, 1 June 2022. |
The app owner and CEO of HER subsequently proclaimed: "There is no one way to be a lesbian ... There is no space for TERFs on HER." This new, expanded definition of lesbian is the result of the transgender agenda and seeking to cater to the demands of transgender activists.
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Pride in London parade, 2015. |
Noted lesbian YouTuber Arielle Scarcella has commented on the discrimination faced by the lesbian community as a result of such transgender initiatives, and specifically the occupation of lesbian physical and online spaces by men who present as transgender women. Such transgender women often demand from lesbians penile penetrative sex and other male-centric practices and behaviours which are, by definition, rejected by lesbians. Needless to say, women such as Scarcella, whilst supportive of gender diversity, do not agree that trans women are women.
Trans Ideology is the New Homophobia - Arielle Scarcella, Triggernometry, 16 June 2022.
An article in the UK Daily Mail of 21 November 2021, referring to comments by the female head of the Stonewall UK activist group, read: Trans lobby group Stonewall brands lesbians 'sexual racists' for raising concerns about being pressured into having sex with transgender women who still have male genitals. This issue is discussed in the following video.
The New Pride, Andrew Doyle and Peter Boghossian, 26 June 2023, YouTube, duration: 94.26 minutes.
12. Political party woes
"The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible." Salman Rushdie, author
"Trans[gender] rights are non negotiable." Adam Bandt, Australian Greens
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Cartoon by Leunig, Australia. |
The transgender issue is personal, societal and political. This latter aspect is revealed through some of the recent events in Australian. These involve the Australian Greens political party and its state affiliates, specifically Victoria and New South Wales, and the Liberal Party of Australia, specifically its Victorian branch. It should be noted that this issue is impacting upon political parties and organisations across the political spectrum, and globally, especially within Western societies. It's historical origins are nebulous, in Australia and elsewhere. The following case studies are examples only, and are being replicated in numerous jurisdictions.
Australian Greens: The Linda Gale caseAs evidence of this, during the latter part of the 2010s the Australian Greens developed their Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Policy, and sought to accommodate the transgender sector in response to calls by trans activists around the country for a more proactive position by political parties. In 2017 a breakaway group within the Victorian Greens set up a Facebook site entitled Greens Voters Against SWERFs and TERFs in the Victorian Greens. It sought to more aggressively pursue the agenda, labelling some of its opponents in derogatory terms such as trans exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), being people whose views on gender identity were considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposed social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people. In response, on 1 April 2019 the Greens announced its transgender support plan.
Also during 2019 Victorian unionist and Greens activist Linda Gale wrote a 3-page paper for a state council workshop on the transgender issue, in which she argued that the rights of trans women may infringe on those of people born female (Gale 2019). Her paper included the following:
If the purpose of this workshop is to develop a proposal for a State Council decree that statements such as ‘There are two sexes,’ ‘The science is not conclusive,’ ‘This is an active debate in feminism,’ ‘Shutting down debate is censorship,’ or ‘Trans women aren’t the same as biological women,’ are banned within the Greens and would constitute behaviour worthy of censure, suspension or expulsion, this is totally contrary to a Greens ethos which encourages robust debate and the development of policy based on real evidence.
All of the above would come to pass, and debate shut down amidst increasing instances of accusations of transphobia within the party, and expulsion of long-standing party members. Gale's discussion paper was a normal part of the Greens deep-seated internal discussion and open debate process. It did not appear to raise much concern at the time amongst the broader party membership. However, it was greeted by trans activists, both inside the party and out, with disdain, outrage and an aggressive push back. Gale was immediately labelled transphobic. She and her supporters were not transphobic, by any reasonable assessment at that time. The trans activists became more vocal, and in March 2022 accused the party of transphobia. The Greens were horrified by such an accusation, priding itself as being an active supporter of gender diversity and the transgender movement. In seeking to appease the transgender community and associated negative media, on 31 March 2022 Greens leader Adam Bandt tweeted:
Trans rights are non negotiable. Gender affirming healthcare saves lives and should be free on Medicare. I'm proud to be in solidarity with our trans friends and colleagues every day, and I'll continue to fight for you.
Despite this, the following day The Age ran the headline: Trans activists accuse the Greens of being anti-trans and transphobic. It was unclear exactly what Bandt's statement meant, but it reinforced the dictum that debate inside the party would be shut down in order to appease trans activists.
Despite Bandt's statement, the trans activist opposition did not go away, especially when Gale rose in the ranks of the Victorian Greens. It came to a head once again when, on 11 June 2022, Gale was elected to the leadership position of Convenor of the Victorian Greens. A controversy immediately ensued over her 2019 paper and women's rights stance, led by trans activists, many of whom were members of the Greens. The party could be said to have, as a result, panicked, rather than consider the accusations with the normal degree of even-handedness and intellectual rigor.
Gale was apparently not alone in the Greens in regard to her concerns, and there appeared to be a split therein along age lines. As a consequence, on 18 June the Sydney Morning Herald informed the public that Gale had been removed from the leadership position by young Victorian parliamentary leader Samantha Ratnam, after fellow Greens at the local and federal level, including Senator Rice, had called her appointment and position untenable unless she retracted her statements, which she would not do (Tuohy 2022). Turmoil ensued.
A significant addition to the debate came on 21 June 2022 from co-founder of the Australian Greens, Drew Hutton, in support of Gale and New South Wales solicitor Anna Kerr, deploring the 'authoritarian and anti-democratic' nature of the party's actions and supporting the women's rights issue:
I believe in full human rights for trans people at the same time as supporting the right of women to be safe from patriarchal oppression. I am also prepared to say these things publicly. Unfortunately, in the Greens at present that would seem to make me a 'transphobe' and already one state convenor has been sacked and one member in another state expelled for stating much the same thing. This is authoritarian and anti-democratic and I call for saner voices to be heard on this issue. If not, let me know when my expulsion from the Greens begins, will you?
Following criticism of his stance, on 24 June Hutton substantially expanded on his comments in the following Facebook posting:
Drew Hutton, Facebook, 24 June 2022.
On 25 August New South Wales Greens leader Damiya Anne Hayden apologized after accusing Gale and Rohan Leppert of Melbourne City Council of transphobia in a letter sent on 19 June on behalf of the New South Wales Greens. The apology only came following the Victorians threaten of defamation action (Leppert 2022). Later that year, on 17 December, Bandt and the federal Greens discussed expelling the Victorian branch if it "did not take the issue seriously and address concerns of the transgender community." Of course, Bandt's statement reflects the failure to realise that the Greens had overstepped the mark in doing just that. As a result, on 22 December 2022 the Victorian Greens set up a panel to investigate and further sanction perceived transphobia in its ranks. Arising out of this, on 17 April 2023 a Ballarat Greens activist quit the party after attending the Melbourne Let Women Speak rally the previous month. A week later, on 23 April, The Age reported that the Victorian Greens state council had passed a new policy expanding the definition of transphobia. It stated:
Transphobia [is] the vilification of trans people; intentionally misgendering people individually or as a group; denying that non-binary genders exist; or “promoting the unnecessary prioritisation of sex characteristics above gender”.
Of course the last element - “promoting the unnecessary prioritisation of sex characteristics above gender” - is the accepted norm amongst modern society and cannot be reasonably denied, thereby implying that each and every person who believes an accepted, science-based truth, is transphobic.
The party’s new rules also went beyond the issue of women's rights and the use of language, into the unstated and undefined impacts of transitioning upon children, young people, and the resultant trauma for family and friends. They stated that “advocating for unnecessary restrictions on transition care” and “asking leading questions that cover for doing one of the above” can constitute transphobia. This was seen as a clear case of internal party censorship of open and informed debate within the party. The Age confirmed that the Victorian Greens had limited policy debate amongst members by expanding the definition of transphobia. As stated above, the actions outlined here are similar to those taking place in political parties around Australia, and beyond, where the transgender issue has been set into party policy. It reinforced, and therefore supported, clearly discriminatory practices, specifically in regards to women and young people.
Gale was in turn subject to continuing party sanction and brought before an official dispute committee in May 2023.
The present situation, whereby the Australian Greens party has two significant policies in conflict, is untenable in the opinion of the present author. On one hand they have a long-standing policy on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls, which seeks to remove discrimination against females. Yet, on the other hand, there is the aforementioned Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Policy which has been shown to clearly discriminate against women and young people.
In addition to the Linda Gale episode, Tasmanian members of the Greens had a fiery encounter with Posie Parker during her Australian visit. At the Hobart rally on 22 March 2023, Parker referred to parents who encourage and facilitate the chemical and medical transitioning of their young sons or daughters as "groomers", due to her strong position on the long-term deleterious effects of such action. In attendance at the rally, in opposition to it, was Tasmanian Greens MP Cassy O'Connor. She has a transgender son Jasper Lees (born female) and is married to Greens senator Nick McKim. The senator rose in parliament the following day and angrily blasted Parker over the comments. A Twitter storm ensued, involving Parker and Lees, focusing around the medical aspects of female transitioning. McKim also mentioned a certain Kimberley Allen "deadnaming" his son-in-law on Twitter and "deliberately misgendering" him.
There are no winners in such heated confrontations, especially when politics and ideology clash with the personal in a single instance such as this, and neither side can, or will, back down.
Woke Cinema, Pauline Hanson's Please Explain, 27 May 2023, duration: 2.11 minutes.
As of writing, the Australian Greens remain committed to the transgender agenda they have supported to date, with no sign of altering their position to accommodate concerns raised, both within and outside the party.
Liberal Party of Australia: Moira Deeming MP
Posie Parker's visit to Melbourne on 18 March 2023 was supported by Moria Deeming MP, a member of the Liberal Party of Australia, with an office in the Victorian Parliament House. Following the event, during which Deeming spoke, the leader of the party John Pesutto implemented a process to have her expelled from the Victorian branch on the party. Deeming held true to her beliefs regarding the negative impact of the transgender agenda on women's rights. Included below is a report on the matter by right-wing commentator and former Liberal staffer, Peta Credlin, wherein she outlines how Deeming pushed back hard against the extraordinary accusations of being a Nazi supporter (her family were in fact Jewish victims of the Holocaust) and the threat of expulsion from the party - a threat which was eventually amended to a 9 month suspension. On 12 May Pesutto finally expelled Deeming from the party, following her threat to launch a defamation action against him for failure to follow through on their initial agreement to publically exonerate her.
Moira Deeming's speech to Liberal Party brought the room to tears, Peta Credlin, Sky News Australia, 27 March 2023.
The Australian Greens party and Liberal Party of Australia examples reveal the state of turmoil present in political parties around the world over the transgender issue. In the United States the blame for the negative impacts upon groups such as women and children and young people is being put on the so-called Woke Left. Yet the various processes put into place therein over the last decade were done so with broad political and corporate sector support, as was and is the case in Australia. The Left and the Right, and everything in between is to blame, though sections of the Left have been the most vociferous and active in pushing and supporting the transgender agenda. It now appears that as more members of the general public become aware of some of the surrounding issues, especially in regards to the treatment of children and young people, and women's rights, that pressure will be brought to bear on all political parties to return to a more medically sound and non-discriminatory path for the transgender movement.
Regrets of a Trans-Care specialist - Sarah Stockton, Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, 24 March 2023.
13. George / Georgie Stone, Australia
Georgie Robertson Stone OAM is an Australian transgender actress, born George Stone (male) on 20 May 2000, alongside a twin brother. At the age of 7 he began seeing a psychiatrist about his condition, and at 10 (2011) was the first Australian child to receive stage one puberty blockers as part of a transgender transitioning process, following having gained permission from the Family Court of Australia. In 2014 there was an appearance on the national investigative TV program Four Corners and discussion of various legal avenues being pursued to allow transitioning and accommodation of transgender people in various aspects of society. A second battle concerning access to stage two cross-sex hormones (estrogen) replacement therapy began at the age of 15 (2015). In 2016 Georgie featured in the documentary program Australian Story, and around this time appeared in a campaign regarding transgender children in schools. Between 2019-22 Georgie worked on the television series Neighbours as the transgender character Mackenzie Hargreaves. In 2017 there was a Human Rights Award and in 2018 selection as Victorian Young Australian of the Year. In 2020 the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) was awarded and in 2022 the Netflix documentary The Dream Life of Georgie Stone appeared.
The story of George / Georgie is one where transgenderism is well expressed from a very early age. The overriding female gender persona is evident. As such, compassion decrees that George live life as a girl / female. This can be said to represent the "easy" part of the transgender issue, in being supportive of the fact that these feelings are genuine and, in a modern society, need to be addressed and accommodated in the name of removing discriminatory practices and enable an individual to lead a normal, happy life as themselves. There can be no argument against this. The various documentaries presenting the story of George / Georgie Stone reveal the positive aspects of such a transition, and the pressures on families to implement puberty blocking and hormone replacement programs which enable the child / young adult to maximise their efforts to physically appear as the opposite gender to their birth sex. Once again, this appeared to be very much the "right" thing to do in the case of George / Georgie Stone. The story is very moving, and is also ultimately presented as a very positive one.
Stop trying to kill us.....
Neighbours star and trans advocate Georgie Stone addresses the National Press Club, Canberra, April 2023.
14. The MTF / FTM process in Australia
Transgender rights in Australia are progressive, with state and federal courts allowing a greater degree of unrestricted chemical and medical interventions since 2013, and a lessening of supervision by the Family Court of Australia with regard to children. Australia operates under a general Affirmation policy, though medical reassignment is not available until the age of 18 and it is not as broadly mandatory and age exempt as in the United States. Gender reassignment surgery is costly (c.$20k) and available at a few private hospitals. The criteria for getting "top surgery" (breast removal / breast implants) MTF or FTM (c.$7k) in Australia is:
- Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria.
- Capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment.
- Reached the Age of 18 (if younger, follow the SOC for children and adolescents).
- If significant medical or mental health concerns are present, they must be reasonably well controlled.
SOC refers to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health - Standard of Care Version 8, International Journal of Transgender Health, 23(S1).
The Demise of the Left - from Liberalism to Marxism: Interview with Naomi Wolf, Jordan B. Peterson, 25 April 2023. Discusses transgenderism and its negative impact upon women's rights.
15. The Frankenstein factor
One of the common themes amongst both transitioners and non-transitioners is that of not being informed of the possible, and likely, long-term effects of chemical and medical / surgical transitioning. In seeking to transform a male body into a female body, or a female body into a male body, references to the work of the fictional Dr. Frankenstein arise, with dire, often horrific consequences similarly arising. Elements of this discussion raise the suggestion of mysoginistic conspiracies and claims that homophobia drives much of these surgical body trans-morphing endeavours. Accounts are becoming more common of never-healing surgeries, life-long efforts to repair tissue damage, and eternal reliance on drugs and various chemical and physical adaptations in order to survive. Litigation is also on the rise by those who are victims of these procedures. No post-surgical, short- or long-term studies are known to the present author in regards to their efficacy and outcomes. The following video discusses one such case of full transitioning by a male, the processes involved, and its eventual outcomes.
The real story behind the "Trans" movement will shock you, Viva Frei, 2 February 2023.
16. Quotable quotes
Suddenly everything changed. Everything had to do with gender identity and not sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation is linked to biology.
The transgender movement is a social contagion.
Postmodernist language takes precedence over reality.
Transing away the gay.....
People who hate the truth, see the truth as hateful.
Gender affirming care = childhood sex change.
You CAN be born in the wrong body / You CANNOT be born in the wrong body.
Socialist feminists are leading the attack against the Let Women Speak movement.
... as false as a female penis ....
[24 yr old female] When I was 18 I started identifying as male, and I found that identity on YouTube.... Constant affirmation made me really feel like I was a boy. I felt gender euphoria and then wanted to transition... When I started on the testosterone I would get so angry. It was just so overwhelming. That had never happened before ....
transgenocide ... the number of children that won't be born, and decrease in the birth rate, because of the amount of chemically-induced infertility and surgical castration currently being carried out.
The only known treatment for gender dysphoria is medial transitioning.
....and the Greens party called people like us non-trans women! I mean ... fuck off!
All lesbian spaces are now occupied by men.
We don't treat anorexia with affirmation....
Transitioning children is child abuse.
You can't force someone to share someone else's perceptions [through the use of preferred pronouns]. ... They are trying not only want to put words into your mouth, they also want you to affirm their perception of reality, and the idea that we would be forced to do that, either legally or according to the terms of service of a big tech platform [e.g. YouTube, Facebook], is just insane.
[20 yr old female] The testosterone caused atrophy of my sexual organs and, was causing a lot of pain, so the doctor recommended a hysterectomy. [Stopping the hormones was not recommended]. The surgery went very very wrong. My mother was waiting for the call that her child had died.
My period had stopped from the testosterone.
Women are being erased in language and law.
You can't talk about reality without bringing the law down upon you.
Would you rather have a trans child, or a dead child?
We are seeing 80% FTM transitioning in children and 80% MTF in adults.
Testosterone is the poison...
I would never like to go into a space that's not for me...
Either you believe everything we say, or you are a horrible Nazi.
Dylan Mulvaney is a gay man.
There is a sense that if we talk about this (i.e. transgender issues), we are doing harm to the transgender community.
Women are still women, no matter how they identify.
Transition gives rise to cancer, urinary tract dysfunction, infertility, osteoporosis...
The early message boards (circa 2013) ... these are all sexually driven transitioners, with no intention of medically transitioning ... all men in dresses, in their 40s and 50s .... [groomers]
This whole trans movement is fundamentally misogynistic and fundamentally homophobic.
The whole point of free speech really, at its heart, is that you should be allowed to offend people. That is the point of free speech. It is not that everyone agrees with each other, it is that you should be able to vehemently disagree, or be offensive or rude if you want, and people should be able to tolerate that.
I would imagine that it is hard to be interested in sex if there was not a woman involved.
Posie Parker Down Under, with Kelly-Jay Keen, Benjamin J. Boyce, 21 April 2023.
17. A Way Forward
Accommodation between the trans and non-trans community can be achieved. Neither community will ever truly understand the other, but a compact / and frank arguments, discussions and interactions between both parties, on an ongoing basis and as issues arise. Some things will work smoothly, others will need time, and still others will never work. Included in the never work category are:
* Men in Women's sport. Transgender women, born as men and participating in women's sport is unfair, unkind and unreasonable. Trans women can participate in men's sport as the strength disparity is not unfairly weighted towards them.
* Men in Women's toilets, rest rooms and other female gender specific spaces where naked bodies are exposed, or males are specifically excluded, such as male domestic violence refuge centres. This is not acceptable. The intrusion on such boundaries, giving rise to fear, is seen as an intrusion on basic human rights.
* Gender transitioning surgery for children and young people. This must be stopped and the wait and see approach adopted. Individual informed consent as an adult is required.
* Puberty blocking hormonal treatments. These and other chemical are toxic and dangerous, and can lead to infertility when used with associated pharmaceutical treatments.
* Identification of gender reassignment medical treatments as normal, natural procedures, with no critical medical or psychological assessment of individual applicability.
Included in the more discussion and refinement category are:
* Transgender children in schools. Society needs to work out how best to deal with this issue in a caring, compassionate and responsible manner. Simple affirmation is not the answer.
In the do now category is:
* Removal of discriminatory practices against Transgender people which do not impinge on the above, or on the alteration of historical records.
* Support for Transgender medical services which do not impinge on the limitations referred to above.
* Affirmative action in the workplace where it does not result in discrimination against another sector of society, such as women.
* Promotion of familiarity with Transgender people as part of the education system, though not playing an advocacy role, rather an information and support role as young people grow and mature.
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Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Map, Erin in the Morning, 3 April 2023. |
18. Lexicon
- CIS / cisgender - [cis (Latin) on this side; trans (Latin) on the other side of] A person whose sex is male at birth and identifies as a boy or a man, or someone whose sex is female at birth and identifies as a girl or a woman. Cisgender people may or may not conform to gender norms and stereotypes associated with their gender identity. The origins of cis (1914) were in creating a differentiation between those who wear attire appropriate to their gender (i.e., male or female), and cross-dressers, commonly known as transvestites. It has subsequently (1994) been extended to differentiate between normal genders (male and female) and transgender.
- Conversion - as in conversion therapy i.e., seeking to change one's natural same-sex attraction, or seeking to limit default Affirmation in regard to transgenderism as a result of gender dysphoria
- Cross-sex hormones - include androgens (e.g. testosterone) and estrogens.
- Deadnaming - referring to a transgender person by their name prior to transitioning.
- DM - direct message.
- Female - natural.
- FLINTA - Feminine presenting lesbian intersex non-binary transatia asexual
- FTM - female to male.
- Gender - (1) male or female nature, as identified by chromosomes; or (2) a social construct, deemed to be based on nurture, not nature.
- Gender diversity - fluid gender.
- Gender dysphoria. A feeling of non-conforming gender.
- Gender euphoria. Often gained when transitioning occurs.
- GNC - Gender nonconforming.
- GRS - Gender reconfiguration surgery.
- Hormone treatment - drugs, toxic.
- LGBTIQA+ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Questioning, Asexual +
- Male - natural.
- MTF - male to female.
- Puberty blockers - drugs.
- Re-transition - to transition, then de-transition then re-transition.
- TERD - Trans exclusionary right-wing drop kicks.
- TERF - Trans exclusionary radical feminist: a person whose views on gender identity are considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposes social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people.
- Sex - (1) male or female c.f. gender; or (2) the act of sexual congress between individuals.
- SSRI - anti-depressant.
- SRS - Sex reassignment surgery.
- SWERF - Sex worker exclusionary radical feminist.
- Transgender - a feeling of association with the opposite sex.
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Protest: No to Transphobia, TERF Bigotry, Melbourne, 8 August 2019. Source: Greens Voters Against SWERFs and TERFs in the Victorian Greens, Facebook. |
19. No comment
The following question was posed by a transgender person, Aaron Terrell, to the National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, May 2023. He was an official online attendee.
Q: What are providers [of psychological services] doing to ensure that CIS children and adolescents were not being transitioned unnecessarily?
Terrell was immediately removed from the conference as a result, with no answer provided and no refund given. He subsequently attended the San Francisco Trans Health Summit and put the question live to a panel of four who were working on an update to the APA Standards of Care document. The first answer was:
20. Videos* The Miracle of Male Birth: Trans Man's Book is a Lie, Arielle Scarcella, 19 June 2023, duration: 8.56 minutes.
* Fatal Flaws in "Gender Affirming" Care, Benjamin A. Boyce, 28 May 2023, duration: 108.30 minutes. Interview with Aaron Terrell who attended the National Transgender Health Summit in San Francisco during May 2023 and .....; and Eliza Mondegreen, who attended the European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH) conference.
* Detransition: A Group Discussion, Genspect Bigger Picture Conference, Killarny, Ireland, 5 May 2023.
* A conversation with Gender Clinic whistleblower, Jamie Reid, A Wider Lens, 5 May 2023.
* 5th grade teacher silences trans activists with truth about gender, The Story Box, 23 April 2023.
* Posie Parker: Australia and New Zealand - Let Women Speak rallies..., Spectator TV, 5 April 2023.
* Posie Parker attacked by trans activists: "They turn to violence because silencing didn't work." GBNews, 27 March 2023.
* Trans Rights vs. Women's Rights with Kathleen Stock, Coleman Hughes, 19 February 2023.
* Posie Parker: "Trans women aren't women." Part 2, Triggernometry, 4 October 2021.
* Gender Dysphoria is a Mental Disorder - Blaire White, Triggernometry, 26 July 2021. White is a MTF transgender person who rejects many of the trans activists and 'Woke Left' statements and demands in regards to transgenderism and society.
* Posie Parker: "Trans women aren't women." Part 1, Triggernometry, 18 November 2019.
* The reality of transgender and gender science - Dr. Debra Soh, SCNR, 15 February 2019.
* About a Girl (Georgie Stone) - Australian Story, ABC TV, 26 August 2016.
* [2016] Trans teen dies after reassignment surgery, The Story Box, 26 April 2023.
21. Do you believe?
In order to assess one's transphobic status, the following questions are presented in order to identify whether an individual supports any or all of the various actions or beliefs:
1. Medical castration (removal of testicles and penis) of children / young people, as it applies to males?
2. Radical mastectomies (removal of breasts) for children / young people, as it applies to females?
3. Definition of woman as a man who is transgender, regardless of any chemical or medical treatments or medical surgery on the part of the man?
4. Rejection of the use of terms including: male, female, boy, girl?
5. The term non-binary?
6. Men / males participating in female sports, and exhibiting what is clearly an unjust advantage tantamount to cheating?
7. Males in female prisons, giving rise to rape and unwanted pregnancies?
8. Males in female spaces of refuge, such as toilets and refuge centres?
9. Males in lesbian spaces?
10. Males presenting as women, and especially where they are not required to identify as such?
11. Rejection of the dictionary and historical definition of women, and of men?
12. The use of chemicals such as puberty blockers and hormones, even though they give rise to permanent infertility?
13. The use of chemicals such as puberty blockers and hormones to bring on the early onset of menopause in young women?
14. The mandatory application of an Affirmation Policy within medicine, psychiatry and education, thereby disregarding prior in built safeguards against adverse outcomes?
15. The proactive promotion of gender diversity to children and young people, beyond the mere application to anti-discrimination?
16. The censoring of debate regarding transgender issues and agenda?
17. The punitive application of claims of transphobia against individuals who seek to critically address the issue of transgender initiatives and their implications and outcomes?
18. The politicisation of transgenderism?
19 The claim that women's rights activists who address discrimination and trauma arising out of implementation of transgender policies are part of a Ring-wing conspiracy, and Nazis or white supremacists?
20. The claim that inherent physical attributes having nothing to do with gender.
21. The belief that children and young adults can provide informed consent to chemical and medical transgender transitioning of a permanent nature.
22. The use of chemicals to artificially stop puberty, a necessary and normal part of human physical development.
23. Mandatory use of personally preferred pronouns as, for example, legislated in Canada?
24. The right of parents and others to initiate permanent chemical and medical transitioning of children and young people?
25. The failure to adopt a "wait and see" approach, and "do no harm" medical philosophy in the case of children and young people seeking transgender transition.
26. The use of cross-sex hormones.
27. Hysterectomies (removal of female sex organs) for children / young people.
28. Ignore the sexual fetish transvestism nature of sections of the transgender community.
29. Ignore male autogynaphilia present within sections of the transgender community.
30. Giving girls testosterone at the age of 8, boys and girls puberty blockers at the age of 10, removing girl's breasts at 13, and removal of female reproductive organs (hysterectomy) at 17.
If you support all of the above, then you are not a transphobe, or transphobic.
If, however, you do not support all of the above, then you are definitely a transphobe, or transphobic, according to trans activists definitions. This, however, does not mean that you actually are such a person, or exhibit a phobia towards transgender people. You may, in fact, simply be an apolitical individual showing, and expressing, care and compassion for fellow humans, and especially women and children / young people. This will most likely be in connection with only certain aspects of the transgender agenda.
22. A frivolous piece of fiction
The Gender Superhero
[A fiction]
GEN/DA is a being, or group of beings, of supernatural origin and power, whose race is also referred to as SHEs/HEs. They inhabit the planet Gen.
HE: a superhero, born male, and the reincarnation of previous HEs. With the power to regenerate the body and its parts, including organs; able to use their ability to mind meld to free an individual’s consciousness from doubts about who they are in regard to gender diversity, and to facilitate their engagement with society about them. HEs share identical powers with SHEs, though therein vary according to the overriding male sex nature.
SHE: a superhero, born female, and the reincarnation of previous SHEs. With identical powers to HEs, though varying according to the overriding female sex nature.
The G.E.N.D.E.R Institute - An organisation which seeks the General Education & Nurturing of Diversity, Engagement & Repair of those who are subject to, or victims of, gender diversity; to care for those individuals who encounter gender diversity, including family and friends, and to enable them to lead a normal life within the confines of the diversity which impacts upon them. The Institute does not engage in unnatural solutions such as the use of drugs (e.g., hormones) or medical procedures (e.g., top surgery, castration). It applies natural techniques, alongside the intervention of SHEs/HEs with their supernatural powers. That intervention can be on an individual or broader societal level.
The modern G.E.N.D.E.R Institute was formed in Berlin during 1884 by Thea von Trau, though SHEs and HEs have existed since time immemorial, across the world and interdimensionally. They are angelic beings in mortal bodies, born of woman and reincarnated. Thea von Trau was a SHE – a female super-being with special powers to assist in the survival of individuals who experience, or seek to express, variations in gender from the male / female norms. No drugs or medical treatments are used by HEs/SHEs or the G.E.N.D.E.R Institute to change the natural body. The supernatural powers of SHEs/HEs are used to repair the body, if needed, especially for those who have undertaken the process of chemical and medical transitioning. Thea was joined in 1892 by Jay, a HE from New York, who was similarly endowed with the powers of the HE/SHE. Together they formed the G.E.N.D.E.R Institute as a private and secretive organisation to deal with the increasing need for gender diversity support in a modern world. Other SHE/HE continued to operate around the world on a local level and largely incognito. Sigmund Freud was a member of the Institute, as were a diverse range of scientists, sociologists and medical practitioners who supported the non-invasive, compassionate philosophy of the Institute. The organisation rose to meet various challenges over the decades, from the individual level to societal contagions and movements which sought to criminalize and discriminate against those who encounter gender diversity in their lives.
HE/SHE exist in society and naturally (psychically) encounter, or are drawn to, individuals with gender diversity issues. They engage with those individuals – young or old – and assist as indicated above. Their actions over the millennia have changed, according to circumstances. Apart from assisting individuals to deal with their gender diversity, HE/SHE can take action at a society level to enable compassionate acceptance of gender diversity. This can be through liaison with individuals and groups who would seek to discriminate or attack gender diverse individuals and support groups. Their superhero nature enables them to take extreme action, if necessary, to support those who are attacked or suffer.
• NAZI Germany – Adolf Hitler identifies homosexuals, lesbians and transvestites for extermination in gas chambers. HE/SHE work to defeat Hitler.
• 1960s America – the Gay movement is supported by HE/SHEs at Stonewall, to begin the process of decriminalization of gender diverse related laws.
• 2020s – the social contagion of inappropriate transgenderism and the use of drugs and medical treatments is halted by HE/SHE interventions. The G.E.N.D.E.R Institute supports detransitioners and those suffering trauma from the contagion, including family, friends and workers in the gender transition field.
It is proposed that a comic series featuring GEN/DA – the gender superhero - be created. The series can address the complicated and divisive issues of transgenderism and gender diversity. It can deal with it in both a contemporary and historical matter. The GEN/DA universe can be similar to other comic universes, such as those created by MARVEL and DC. The HE/SHE characters can have an additional spiritual dimension connected with the reincarnation factor and the angelic as the origin of their various superpowers.
Oliver & Abigail
23. Star Wars! goes trans
In June 2023 the first transgender actor to star in a Star Wars television series, namely The Acolyte, was announced in The Direct online magazine - the English actor and recently transitioned (2021) transgender female (born male) Abigail Thorn (b.1993). Born Oliver Lennard, Thorn had originally obtained fame as Oliver Thorn, creator in 2013 of YouTube's activist and philosophy focused Philosophy Tube channel. Since going public as a trans woman, Thorn has also identified as lesbian, indicating that he remains sexually attracted to women. This is problematic, as the traditional / normal definition of a lesbian is a woman who has a same sex attraction. As such, lesbians are not attracted to males, or those born male, including transgender women who have transitioned to any or varying degree. In the past, Thorn would have simply presented as a cross-dresser, or transvestite, and not as gay, which was traditionally defined as a person who is same-sex attracted, whether they be male or female. In the current environment, the prioritisation of gender identity over sexual orientation within the LGBTIA+ community, is giving rise to the redefinition and alteration of related language and terms, as discussed above. For example, Thorn recently stimulated public debate when he stated on Twitter:
.... "gender dysphoria" was made up based on unreliable data by a bunch of CIS doctors, multiple of whom have since been disgraced. We shouldn't need some CIS person's fantasy diagnosis to transition; the fact that we want to is enough. (Abigail Thorn@PhilosophyTube)
Abigail Thorn says gender dysphoria doesn't exist, Vaush, YouTube, 21 March 2023.
Thorn's comment declaring "gender dysphoria" an artificial creation, is part of the related trend to de-medicalise the transgender debate and turn any elements away from science towards belief. For example, in the past, non-conforming sexual and gender behaviours were classified scientifically, medically and psychologically in order to facilitate appropriate treatments. By moving away from this, Thorn's promotion of the current self-diagnosis / mandatory affirmation regime is clear.
The inclusion of a transgender character by Hollywood within a science fiction / fantasy context such as the Star Wars universe is part of a trend to artificially and aggressively enhance ethnic, sexual and gender diversity in the sector, whether it be print or audiovisual media.
24. Summary
Transgenderism is an issue which, since the mid 2010s, has risen in importance in Western societies due to transgender activism, progressive efforts to remove related discriminatory practices, and an unprecedented rise in the number of people seeking transgender transitioning. Unfortunately, in supporting transgender activism and an expansion of transgender rights, without restriction, the issues of (1) resultant discrimination against women; and (2) negative physical and psychological impacts on children and young people, have arisen. These cannot be reconciled with broader societal expectations and norms. Push back is now taking place as the negative aspects of transgender activism are being revealed, with a consequential effects on support for the broader LGBTIQA+ rights agenda (Reed 2023). The war has begun, and there are, and will continue to be, causalities along the way on both sides of the argument until a stable, compassionate solution is achieved. What would that look like? Well, in the opinion of the present order, it would reflect the depoliticized status of the sector prior to the onset of the new millennium, though with greater support for that small section of the general community who face gender diversity issues. Radical treatments, especially for children and young people, would disappear, and the primacy of the status of women would be enforced, with no incursions by men - transgender or otherwise - into their spaces and safe environments. A woman would be defined as a woman based purely on sex, and a man as a man. Beyond that, gender diversity would be accepted as a secondary layer of one's identity. Figures like Georgie Stone and Posie Parker would come together to diffuse the situation and produce a solution to the current conflict. It could be that simple ......
In light of all the above, most especially the physical and psychological damage caused by chemical and medical transitioning treatments, along with the negative impacts upon women's rights of numerous elements of the the transgender agenda, it is now my view that political parties need to reconsider their transgender rights policies and modify them accordingly, with extensions thereafter into the legislative and social policy spheres. Transgender rights are negotiable, both in the interest of the transgender community, and the wider community at large. No man / woman / group is and island.
25. References
Adams, Richard, Professor [Kathleen Stock] says career 'effectively ended' by union's transphobia claims, The Guardian, 13 October 2021.
Booth, E. Tristan and Spencer, Leland G., Giving an account of one's current self: An autoethnographic reflection on gender identity and reincarnation, Journal of Autoethnography, 2(2), 2021, 177-193.
Butler, Judith, Gender Trouble, Routledge, 1990, 272p.
Cranmer, When ideology turns violent: The political and media backing behind the Posie Parker mob, Cranmer's Substack, 29 March 2023.
Gaetano, Phil, David Reimer and John Money Gender Reassignment Controversy: The John / Joan Case, The Embryo Project Encyclopedia, Arizona State University, 14 January 2019.
Gale, Linda, Trans Exclusionary Rhetoric - Contending Views, Discussion Paper, Victorian Greens, 2019.
-----, On staying and fighting, Green Tea, 8 August 2022.
Greens Voters Against SWERFs and TERFs in the Victorian Greens, Facebook, 4 November 2017.
Joyce, Helen, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, OneWorld Publications, July, 2021.
Kenneth Zucker vs. transgender people [webpage], Transgender Map, accessed 3 May 2023.
Leppert, Rohan, In defence of party democracy, Green Tea, 16 June 2022.
-----, On staying and fighting, Green Tea, 8 August 2022. Includes the text of an email from Linda Gale.
Let Women Speak in New Zealand: Statement by UK human rights, women’s rights, LGB rights and child safeguarding groups condemning violent protests preventing women from speaking in New Zealand, Sex Matters, 26 March 2022.
National Tribune, Victorian Greens condemn Anti-Trans and Nazi rally, National Tribune, 25 March 2022.
Pehlivanova, Marieta, Janke, Monica J., Lee, Jack Lee and Tucker, Jim B., Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Children’s Past-Life Memories, International Journal of Sexual Health, 2018.
Peterson, Jordan L, We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, far-Left ideology, Telegraph, London, 16 June 2023.
-----, Doctors and Psychotherapists: Butchers and Liars, YouTube, 17 June 2022, duration: 13.37 minutes.
Reed, Erin, April Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Map, Erin in the Morning, 3 April 2023.
-----, Missouri AG Just Banned Most Adult Gender Affirming Care In Cruelest Anti-Trans Move Yet, Erin in the morning, 23 April 2023.
Shrier, Abigail, Irreversible Damage: The transgender craze seducing our daughters, Regnery Publishing, 2020, 272p.
Smith, Kirralie, Greens betray feminists ..... again, Binary Australia, 22 June 2022.
Stevenson, I., & Keil, H.H.J., Children of Myanmar who behave like Japanese soldiers: A possible third element in personality, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(2), 2005, 171-183.
Tuohy, Wendy, Victorian Greens dump new convenor over trans comments, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 June 2022.
Vitalosova, Dana, Two women cancelled by Australian Green Party for 'transphobia', 4W - Feminist Writing. Fourth Wave. For Women, 23 June 2022.
Zucker, Kenneth, Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: Reflections on Some Contemporary Clinical and Research Issues, Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 48(7), October 2019.
Transgenderism: Bibliography | Issues | Peace Plan |
Politics: |
Acolyte |
Bill of Rights 2004 |
COVID-19 |
Elon Musk |
Fascism |
Media 2022 |
MH370 |
Parliament 2002-4 |
Pauline Hanson cartoons |
Raygun |
Song of the South |
Torture |
Transgenderism |
V for Vandetta |
Wind farms |
Woke |
Women sports |
Workplace relationships |
Last updated: 16 October 2023
Complied by On the wrong side of the Left / a dissenter among the dissidents.....
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